About Me

Hello there, my name is Ted Martin. I am an extremely passionate technology professional. Currently, I am a Cloud Solutions Architect where I work with clients along there digital transformation journey. I am an avid basketball fan, and I love spending time with my family.


I started my career in the IT managed services, I quickly added on some networking skills following the Cisco path. However, around the same time Office 365 was starting to pick up and I learned of Azure AD along with other Microsoft Cloud products. This lit the spark for my curiosity of Cloud, and the rest is history.

Fast forward to today where I have used a mix of many different technology solutions to solve business problems across many different verticals. I am primarily a Microsoft specialist, with a heavy infrastructure background.


The vision I have for my blog is to showcase solutions that I have built that helped me solve some real problems, and help others along the way. Many folks have helped me in my career, and I hope to do the same with my blog.