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Welcome to my first blog post!

Welcome to my personal blog where I cover Hybrid & Cloud-Only Technologies, focusing specifically on Microsoft Azure. 

I plan on covering my journey to multiple different Microsoft Azure specific certifications. My plan is to start with AZ-104, with that passed I will achieve the Azure Administrator Badge.

Once I attain that certification, I will move onto the Microsoft Certified: Azure Solutions Architect Expert.

Microsoft Solutions Architect requires you pass the AZ-104 prior to taking AZ-305. Below is the documentation I am following to knock out these exams.

Exam AZ-104: Microsoft Azure Administrator – Learn | Microsoft Docs

Microsoft Certified: Azure Solutions Architect Expert – Learn | Microsoft Docs

A little bit about me, I am a cloud architect working for a medium sized enterprise, I come from an infrastructure background primarily in operations. In doing so I have leveraged a myriad of Microsoft tools to solve a lot of problems, and now I would love to start talking about it.

Coming from an operations background programming wasn’t my focus, sure I can write powershell scripts. Batch files, etc. However, I have never really built software, or wrote fully custom functions to solve my problems. My goal moving forward however is to shift my mindset more towards development and leverage those tools on the infrastructure side of the house.

My first series of blog posts will be covering Azure DevOps Service and Hashicorp Terraform.

I will discuss how to put these tools together to create an automated pipeline that provisions our Azure Landing Zone. I plan on using best practices covered by the Cloud Adoption Framework, to make sure all bases are covered once that commit button is pushed.

I truly hope this blog adds value to technology community, I look forward to producing future content for all of you.


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